Category: Breed-Specific Legislation

  • Great Bend, Kansas Still Mulling “Pit Bull” Ban

    Great Bend, Kansas Still Mulling “Pit Bull” Ban

    Editor’s note: Municipalities should absolutely care about protecting children and indeed all of their citizens, but that’s precisely why citizens shouldn’t lobby for breed-specific legislation (BSL), whether an outright ban or restrictions, because BSL has a decades-long history of not working.   Indeed, if people really wanted to keep their children and communities safer, they’d…

  • Hampton, Virginia Woman Seeks BSL After Pet is Mauled

    Hampton, Virginia Woman Seeks BSL After Pet is Mauled

    Editor’s note: Grief over the loss of a pet is one thing, but then why can’t Ms. Teets understand that the breed-specific legislation (BSL) she’s pursuing will potentially separate loving owners from their dogs as well?   Indeed, if Ms. Teets can acknowledge that “not all pit bulls are like that,” then why can’t she…

  • Clay, Alabama to Reconsider “Pit Bull” Ban

    Clay, Alabama to Reconsider “Pit Bull” Ban

    Editor’s note: While the article excerpted below acknowledges that citizens of Clay weren’t given the appropriate amount of time to respond to Clay’s breed-specific ordinance proposal before its passage in early June, they neglect to add that the whole idea for the “pit bull” ban came about because, as we noted in our prior post,…

  • Australia’s RSPCA: Banning Breeds Won’t Reduce Attacks

    Australia’s RSPCA: Banning Breeds Won’t Reduce Attacks

    Editor’s note: Also of note is that in a recent letter to the Minister for Agriculture and Food Security regarding Australia’s breed-specific law (BSL), the RSPCA said that it “does not believe that BSL is in any way effective in preventing or reducing dog attacks, or in protecting the public from dangerous dogs.”   And…

  • Garland County, Arkansas May Consider Breed-Specific Ordinance After Bull Mastiff Mauling

    Garland County, Arkansas May Consider Breed-Specific Ordinance After Bull Mastiff Mauling

    June 18, 2013 update:   As this article, which was published yesterday, shows, Garland County is now suddenly looking to restrict so-called pit bulls in addition to most likely mastiffs, because the Hot Springs Animal Control examined the dead Bull Mastiff and suddenly realized it was 50% pit bull.   So now the dog is…

  • Great Bend, Kansas Acknowledges Free-Roaming Dog Problem; May Steer Away from Breed-Specific Ordinance

    Great Bend, Kansas Acknowledges Free-Roaming Dog Problem; May Steer Away from Breed-Specific Ordinance

    Editor’s note: Committeeman Reggie Kern said it best that Great Bend isn’t “just dealing with vicious dogs,” Great Bend is dealing with “irresponsible dog owners.”   Or another way you could put that is, irresponsible owners create vicious dogs.   As mentioned in a prior post, the dangerous dogs issue is an issue of nurture,…

  • Waterford Township, Michigan Decides to Keep “Pit Bull” Ban in Place for Now

    Waterford Township, Michigan Decides to Keep “Pit Bull” Ban in Place for Now

    Editor’s note: Once again, here is yet another community who can’t even tell what a “pit bull” is as defined by their own ordinance, and yet they vote to keep their ineffective ban in place anyway.   Astounding. From the Oakland Press: The Waterford Township board has decided to leave its 23-year-old pit bull ban…

  • Rockaway Beach, Missouri May Consider “Pit Bull” Ban

    Rockaway Beach, Missouri May Consider “Pit Bull” Ban

    Editor’s note:   As we all know, Springfield, Missouri has had a breed-specific law for many years, but Springfield is now considering repealing the breed-specific portion of their ordinance in favor of a dangerous-dog law.   And while Springfield may incorporate AKC and UKC breed conformation standards in their ordinance, AKC and UKC breed standards…

  • Flemingsburg, Kentucky Tables “Pit Bull” Ban Ordinance…For Now

    Flemingsburg, Kentucky Tables “Pit Bull” Ban Ordinance…For Now

    From WTVQ: Flemingsburg City Council tabled an ordinance Monday night that would ban pitbulls. Council members voted yes on the first reading of the ordinance, but say they need to do more research on pit bulls before they pass the second reading and make the ban official. Several Flemingsburg pitbull owners attended the meeting to…

  • The sixth amendment gives you the right to face your accusers, but only in a court of law. What if you never get there?

    The sixth amendment gives you the right to face your accusers, but only in a court of law.  What if you never get there?

    The sixth amendment to the Constitution states that, In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the…