Category: Breed-Specific Legislation

  • Some Politicos Should Be Registered as Weapons

    Some Politicos Should Be Registered as Weapons

    The following excerpted opinion piece from the Halifax-Plympton Reporter, “Pit Bulls should be registered weapons,” was written by Massachusetts Republican State Committeeman Richard Greeley. (Sections of his article appear in block quotes, and my comments follow.)   You know, we expect the nanny-staters to push overly bureaucratic, bloated government-type legislation like breed bans and mandatory…

  • Yucaipa, CA to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance for “Pit Bulls”

    Yucaipa, CA to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance for “Pit Bulls”

    According to the San Jose Mercury News, The Yucaipa City Council has given initial approval to a proposed ordinance requiring the spaying or neutering of pit bulls. The City Council approved the ordinance’s first reading on a 4-1 vote Monday night. If approved during a second and final reading, Yucaipa residents would have 30 days…

  • Pitchforks, Torches, and a Mob Poised for a Race War in Elgin, Illinois???

    Pitchforks, Torches, and a Mob Poised for a Race War in Elgin, Illinois???

    If you’ve been following the spate of Elgin, Illinois “pit bull” “attacks” for the last year or so, you may have found the sheer number of these incidents unbelievable.   You know, unbelievable, as in “too dubious or improbable to be believed.”   If you’ve been following our posts for the last 6 months, you…

  • Rockville Centre, NY Repeals Ban of “Pit Bulls” and Rottweilers

    Rockville Centre, NY Repeals Ban of “Pit Bulls” and Rottweilers

    Though Rockville Centre had passed an ordinance in June which banned “pit bulls” and Rottweilers, the Board of Trustees repealed the ban late Tuesday night. Mayor Mary Bossart said, “We are sworn to uphold the constitution…and that is why Im voting to repeal [the law].” It’s good to know that the word is finally getting…

  • Hannibal, MO May Consider “Pit Bull” Ban or Restrictions

    Hannibal, MO May Consider “Pit Bull” Ban or Restrictions

    From the Hannibal Courier-Post: …A Hannibal letter carrier for 20 years thinks [Hannibal has a problem with dangerous dogs] and on Tuesday night asked the city council to do something about it.  

  • Worcester, MA to Consider Restrictions for “Pit Bulls”

    Worcester, MA to Consider Restrictions for “Pit Bulls”

    According to Worcester, Massachusetts is currently considering a breed-specific ordinance for “pit bulls”: Local pit bull owners are facing the prospects of greater restrictions, duties and licensing requirements for their dogs. …While the ordinance would not ban pit bulls or restrict them to private property, it would impose supplementary licensing and registration requirements for…

  • Point Pleasant, WV BSL Passes First Reading

    Point Pleasant, WV BSL Passes First Reading

    According to the July 14 Point Pleasant Register, Point Pleasant City Council approved the first reading of a proposed ordinance that would amend the current legislation pertaining to dogs and cats during its regular meeting on Monday evening. …Section B of the ordinance addresses specific breeds that are prohibited inside city limits. The following dog…

  • Marshfield, Wisconsin to Consider “Pit Bull” Ban

    Marshfield, Wisconsin to Consider “Pit Bull” Ban

    After an attack by what is being called a Rottweiler/”Pit bull” mix, the city of Marshfield, Wisconsin is to consider an outright “pit bull” ban later this summer.   The Wasau Daily Herald, which reported on Marshfield’s consideration of the ban, also noted that nearby Neillsville, Wisconsin (some 30 miles from Marshfield), has had a…

  • Will Dog Fighting DNA Database Nab Dog Fighters, or Just Regular Ol’ Dog Owners?

    Will Dog Fighting DNA Database Nab Dog Fighters, or Just Regular Ol’ Dog Owners?

    It was announced last month that there is now a database called the Canine Combined DNA Index System which was created by UC Davis ostensibly to prove dog fighters are using certain bloodlines.   Certainly the public will believe that the database will be used for its stated purposes, but knowing that the Humane Society…

  • Sioux City, Iowa Bungles It Again

    Sioux City, Iowa Bungles It Again

    Editor’s note: Of course the logic, or lack thereof, of upholding Sioux City, Iowa’s “pit bull” ban when dog bites have only increased, is mind-boggling.   An increase in dog bites where breed bans have been passed, which is a frequent occurrence, must be God’s little joke on those who knowingly pass impotent, expensive, unenforceable…