Category: Breed-Specific Legislation

  • The Anti-Patriots

    The Anti-Patriots

    Several years ago, we marveled at the fact that the city of Boston — site of the Boston Tea Party — had passed breed-specific legislation (BSL).   Despite what municipalities are often told, breed-specific legislation has been ruled unconstitutional in several court venues.   Boston’s ordinance requires the owners of “pit bulls” and “pit bull”…

  • Streator, Illinois Repeals “Pit Bull” Ban

    Streator, Illinois Repeals “Pit Bull” Ban

    From Pit bulls will no longer be singled out by the animal control ordinance, the City Council decided in a unanimous vote Wednesday. The old ordinance was drawn up several years ago to combat reports of the breed attacking people. State law now prohibits breed-specific ordinances, City Attorney Steve Myers told the council. The…

  • Once Again, the Chicago Tribune Stirs Up Trouble as It is Wont to Do

    Once Again, the Chicago Tribune Stirs Up Trouble as It is Wont to Do

    The Chicago Tribune seems to have waited until today, which also happens to be the day the Elgin City Council convenes, to publish the article, Elgins new animal law wont cover 2 recent dog bites.   The article is about just that: two recent incidents involving dogs in Elgin.   Funny, because the Courier News…

  • Prigge’s Insinuation is Ridonkulous!

    Prigge’s Insinuation is Ridonkulous!

    In the March 16, 2010, Daily Herald article Elgin councilman says pit bull laws inevitable, Elgin City Councilman John Prigge once again puffs himself out like a blowfish and gives full rein to his bravado.   He says: I do believe something’s going to happen…I think it’s inevitable. I just pray to God it’s not…

  • Pride Goes Before Destruction, And a Haughty Spirit Before Stumbling

    Pride Goes Before Destruction, And a Haughty Spirit Before Stumbling

    I’ve had hours now to sit and read various blogs and news articles about how so-and-so or this or that organization defeated the Elgin “pit bull” proposal.   Councilman Prigge — blustery and self-entitled as ever — was the first to say it was he who was removing his own breed-specific proposal from consideration.  …

  • Elgin, Illinois Strikes Breed-Specific Portion of Proposed Animal Control Ordinance; Passes Revised Animal Control Ordinance

    Elgin, Illinois Strikes Breed-Specific Portion of Proposed Animal Control Ordinance; Passes Revised Animal Control Ordinance

    I will give You thanks in the great congregation; I will praise You among a mighty throng. And my tongue shall declare Your righteousness and Your praise all day long. – Psalm 35:18, 28

  • ‘Pet World’ Host Steve Dale Makes One Final Plea to Elgin City Council to Strike Breed-Specific Provision from Ordinance Proposal

    ‘Pet World’ Host Steve Dale Makes One Final Plea to Elgin City Council to Strike Breed-Specific Provision from Ordinance Proposal

    Editor’s note: If you glean nothing more from Steve’s post, take note of this.   Steve writes: “local experts [meaning experts in Elgin] – veterinarians and dog trainers tell me…their calls aren’t returned either, and their voices aren’t being heard.”   So again I ask you.   Who’s not telling the truth? My Last Plea…

  • Hey Elgin, Take a Tip from Buffalo Grove!

    Hey Elgin, Take a Tip from Buffalo Grove!

    According to the Daily Herald, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, a suburb not too far from Elgin, Illinois, passed a recall ordinance on Monday in an effort to recall a Buffalo Grove trustee.   According to the Herald, The recall ordinance was first considered last fall, but was tabled for further work. As approved, it is a…

  • Good Night Patriots!

    Good Night Patriots!

    Try to have a good night all.   God bless, and let our prayer for safety go out to all patriots.   Let the angels of God encamp around us all. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual…

  • The Elgin2030 Site Has Been Hacked!

    The Elgin2030 Site Has Been Hacked!

    That’s right folks.   You heard right.   Seems someone does not want Tony or his site to say the things he’s been saying.   Does this not lend credence to our theory that there are big, shady cockroaches behind the Elgin Animal Control ordinance, and that there is more at work here than just…