Sterling Heights, Michigan to Consider Breed-Specific Ordinance for “Pit Bulls” in December
Update: According to The Macomb Daily, action on Sterling Heights’ proposed “pit bull” ordinance has been postponed until Feb. 1, 2011. Special thanks to BSL Updates for this reminder: A report and recommendations regarding a proposed “pit bull” ordinance are expected to be presented during the next Sterling Heights regular council meeting on December 7,…
Springfield, Missouri Believes Breed-Specific Ordinance has Reduced the Number of “Pit Bulls” Put to Death
Editor’s note: Notice the title of this post is not “Springfield, Missouri Believes Breed-Specific Ordinance has Reduced “Pit Bull” Euthanasia.” That’s because killing perfectly innocent, adoptable dogs, which most “pit bulls” are, is not mercy killing. It’s just killing. Indeed, the article below raises more questions about Springfield’s “euthanasia” practices and it’s…
Yazoo, Mississippi May Consider “Pit Bull” Ban
Editor’s note: First of all, “pit bull” is not a breed, so referring to them as “the most vicious breed” is a misnomer. The conglomeration of dogs that make up the slang term “pit bull” are limitless and therefore statistics on “pit bulls” are skewed and meaningless. Second, the urban myth that dogs…
Springdale, Arkansas May Consider Breed-Specific Ordinance for “Pit Bulls”
Editor’s note: Once again, the key component in cases like these is not the breed of dog — especially since “pit bull” is not a breed and since there is no such thing as an inherently vicious breed of dog — but the fact that the dog was repeatedly free-roaming. It sounds like Springdale…
Malden, Massachusetts to Consider a Muzzling Ordinance for “Pit Bulls”
Editor’s note: Breed-specific requirements for certain kinds of containment, including muzzling, could force owners to feel stigmatized such they they cease exercising their dogs in public, or at all. Extended muzzling, kenneling, etc. can also make a dog of any breed anxious and stressed, which could bring about the very behavior a muzzling…
McMinnville, Tennessee to Consider Ban of “Pit Bulls”
Editor’s note: Nine calls to Animal Control about one dog is not a breed problem but an owner problem (and possibly an Animal Control enforcement problem). If Animal Control is having difficulty enforcing existing law, how is additional legislation going to help? It looks like McMinnville lacks Animal Control personnel, or perhaps…
Blair, Nebraska “Pit Bull” Law Passes First Reading; Ready for a Second
Editor’s note: Here again we have the media referring to attacking dogs in the incident involving the Straubes’ dogs as “pit bulls” when there is no such breed (and it doesn’t sound like the attack from the Border Collies was mentioned in the media at all before now). Also you will note that…
Garden City, Michigan May Consider Breed-Specific Ordinance for “Pit Bulls”
Editor’s note: If Councilwoman Lynch can say that “not all pit bulls are vicious” then is she knowingly seeking to propose legislation that would deprive innocent people of their innocent dogs? And as an aside, no breed (though “pit bull” is not a breed) is inherently vicious. That’s why people who know…
Camanche, Iowa to Again Consider “Pit Bull” Restrictions
Editor’s note: Here we have what looks like more false statistics on that non-existent “breed” “pit bull” when what Camanche really has is a free-roaming dog problem. (Please also note that the CDC bite stats referenced in the article below have long been debunked and dismissed as inaccurate by the CDC themselves.) I fear…
New Ordinance May End Toledo’s “Pit Bull” Witch Hunt
From the Toledo Blade: After months of research, crafting, and debate, a proposed Toledo law governing dogs and their owners will come before City Council Tuesday. Councilmen will vote on repealing the city’s old “vicious dogs” law that targeted “pit bulls” and “pit bull” mixes – ruled unconstitutional by Toledo Municipal Court Judge Michael Goulding…