Pitchforks, Torches, and a Mob Poised for a Race War in Elgin, Illinois???
If you’ve been following the spate of Elgin, Illinois “pit bull” “attacks” for the last year or so, you may have found the sheer number of these incidents unbelievable. You know, unbelievable, as in “too dubious or improbable to be believed.” If you’ve been following our posts for the last 6 months, you…
Will Dog Fighting DNA Database Nab Dog Fighters, or Just Regular Ol’ Dog Owners?
It was announced last month that there is now a database called the Canine Combined DNA Index System which was created by UC Davis ostensibly to prove dog fighters are using certain bloodlines. Certainly the public will believe that the database will be used for its stated purposes, but knowing that the Humane Society…
Sioux City, Iowa Bungles It Again
Editor’s note: Of course the logic, or lack thereof, of upholding Sioux City, Iowa’s “pit bull” ban when dog bites have only increased, is mind-boggling. An increase in dog bites where breed bans have been passed, which is a frequent occurrence, must be God’s little joke on those who knowingly pass impotent, expensive, unenforceable…
How Dangerous Dog Laws Can Be Deadly
While we do advocate for dangerous dog laws here at NoPitBullBans.com, we do so with a little bit of tremulousness. It’s more precise to say we advocate for dangerous dog owner laws. Why? Because many dangerous dog laws still put the onus on the dog instead of its owner.
BSL by Any Other Name Would Smell Just as Prejudicial: White Sulphur Springs, Montana Now Requires Liability Insurance for “Breeds” with Supposed “Reputations for Aggressive Behavior”
There’s no contact information anywhere for White Sulphur Springs, Montana, so we were unable to send them a letter informing them that their recent passage of an amendment requiring $500,000 in liability insurance for “breeds” with supposed “reputations for aggressive behavior” was based on incorrect information. (The named “breeds” are “pit bulls,” Doberman Pinschers, and…
Are They Hoping the Third Time’s the Charm???
Councilman Prigge (and perhaps others on the Elgin, Illinois City Council) must be thinking “Third time’s a charm” after the Daily Herald reported in an article yesterday that Elgin Mayor Ed Schock fought off a “pit bull” “attack” Thursday evening. I won’t include excerpts from the article, because really, I think Elgin residents have…
More “Pit Bull” Junk Science Courtesy of Dogsbite.org
Folks who read this blog may be wondering why we have seldom mentioned dogsbite.org, a blog dedicated to fostering hysteria about “pit bulls.” We have little mentioned the now infamous dogsbite.org because we didn’t think we had to. Honestly, we couldn’t conceive of anyone taking them or their witch hunt seriously. Their…
Stupid is as Stupid Does: Center, Missouri Passes Breed Ban Based on Wildly Inaccurate Information
On June 2, 2010, the Center, Missouri City Council passed a vicious dog law which simultaneously banned “pit bulls” from the city limits. “Pit bull” owners were given 30 days to remove their dogs with no grandfather clause (or what is often mistakenly called a grandfather clause). While recognizing in their own ordinance…
Huh??? Sioux City May Make Changes to Its Failing Animal Control Ordinance, Yet Keep It Breed-Specific…???…
Editor’s note: As long as Sioux City keeps a portion of their animal control law breed-specific, they’re not actually keeping their city safer. As has been shown repeatedly, increased fines/penalties under a reasonable dangerous dog law act as a deterrence which actually keeps the community safer, assuming there is adequate Animal Control to enforce…
Ohio Senate Receives Bill to Amend Dog Law; “Pit Bulls” Would Leave ‘Vicious’ List
From today’s Toledo Blade: A recently approved House bill stripping the “pit bull” from Ohio’s definition of “vicious dog” has made its way to the Senate, where such proposals have not been warmly received. The amendment was added to a bill increasing penalties for animal cruelty just before House Bill 55 left the lower chamber.…