Yakima, Washington Advocates Seek to Lessen “Pit Bull” Ban Restrictions
Animal advocates, who believe the city of Yakima is overly harsh in banning “pit bulls,” are lobbying Yakima’s city officials to “toss the current ban” according to KIMA CBS 29. Yet Yakima Mayor Micah Cawley sees it differently: “I don’t see it being lifted. I know that people have sent petitions in and want to…
Pawtucket, R.I. Reduction in Dog Bites Corresponds with Overall Trend in Crime Reduction, NOT Because of BSL
Oh, if only I had a nickel for every time someone used skewed or half-truth statistics to push the lie that is breed-specific legislation (BSL). For instance, last week, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in a desperate bid to keep their city-wide “pit bull” ban, released statistics showing that the city of Pawtucket supposedly had a…
Ontario MPP Randy Hillier is Re-Introducing Bill 16 to Repeal Ontario’s “Pit Bull” Ban
Ontario’s Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) Randy Hillier will be re-introducing Bill 16 — formerly “Hershey’s Bill” — to repeal Ontario’s breed-specific ban on “pit bulls.” Why? Because as the Toronto Humane Society and Hamilton, Ontario have both acknowledged, Ontario’s breed-specific law (BSL) is not working. Hamilton and the Toronto Humane Society…
Swanton, Ohio Doesn’t Know What a “Pit Bull” is Either, Just like Denver and Toledo
Like Denver and Toledo, it looks like Swanton, Ohio can’t tell what a “pit bull” is as defined by their own ordinance either. Tim Bork of Swanton was recently cited by Fulton County Dog Warden Brian Bannister for having a “pit bull-type dog,” a dog identified by Bannister as a Fila Brasileiro mix, which…
Flint, Michigan to Propose “Pit Bull” Registry, Won’t Address Crime in Murder Capital U.S.A.
Updated November 5, 2013 With 50,000 stray dogs supposedly roaming the ruins of Detroit like some kind of scene from out of ‘Mad Max’, with psychopaths stabbing and hanging an innocent “pit bull” in Lansing (Although look at this picture. This dog is clearly a mastiff.), and after a dog was found dead inside…
Burnaby, British Columbia to Vote to Add Additional BSL, Though Current BSL is Not Working
Despite Burnaby, British Columbia citizens petitioning the Burnaby City Council to remove breed-specific language from Burnaby’s Animal Control bylaw, the Burnaby council has decided to go the other way, seeking instead to add additional provisions to its existing breed-specific law (BSL). According to BurnabyNow: If council says yes to the staff recommendation on Sept.…
Waterloo, Iowa “Pit Bull” Attacks Unsellable, Including 3rd in Almost as Many Weeks
With the third supposed “pit bull” attack in Waterloo, Iowa in as many weeks, discussions about passing breed-specific legislation (BSL) are inevitable if not wholly by design. In what is clearly yet another BSL target city, so-called “pit bull” attacks one after another are not surprising, though their veracity is hard to buy. …
City Attorney Stirs the Pot, Camanche, Iowa to Look at “Pit Bull” Ban, BSL Again
After hearing about so-called “pit bull” attacks in Clinton and Waterloo, Iowa, Camanche, Iowa’s city attorney, Thomas Lonergan, just had to stir the pot, you know, to be “proactive,” and propose that Camanche likewise look into passing a “pit bull” ban. Lonergan proposed that, “We could grandfather in the pit bulls that are already…
Watertown, WI Removes “Pit Bull” Language from Dangerous Dog Law, Ordinance Passes
Thank you sensible aldermen of Watertown, Wisconsin! In a vote of 6 to 3 on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013, the Watertown Common Council voted to amend their dangerous dog law proposal to remove language specific to so-called “pit bulls.” Thanks to Alderman Robert Stocks, who made a motion to amend the ordinance, council…
Chicago Man Allegedly Taunts “Pit Bulls” and is Mauled
On Saturday, August 31, 2013, a 25-year old Chicago man allegedly taunted several so-called “pit bulls” that were behind a fence until they got out and mauled him. Now the usual suspects — the media, possibly the disinformer operatives at Dogsbite.org, and all-around idiots — are offering the usual skewed/worthless statistics and urban mythology…