North Carolina Representatives Rodney Moore and Larry Pittman’s HB 956 Would Regulate Ownership of “Aggressive Dog Breeds”
April 25, 2013 update: According to the Wall Street Journal, HB 956 “died in committee.” According to its sponsor, Rep. Rodney Moore, “he wasnt sure that the breeds designated by the bill as aggressive are ones ‘with the most incidents,’ but he said they ‘were the most prevalent by the feedback that Ive gotten’.”…
Riverside County, California to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter Law for “Pit Bulls”
From the Palm Desert Patch: ….After hearing from their constituents, the [Riverside County Board of] supervisors voted 5-0 Tuesday to direct staff to draft an ordinance that would mandate spay and neuter of Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes across unincorporated areas of the county. The draft will come before the board at a later…
Westwego, Louisiana to Consider Further Breed-Specific Restrictions
From the Times-Picayune: Westwego officials want to make it more difficult for city residents to own pit bulls. After a near-fatal attack last month, city officials are amending the city’s pit bull ordinance, proposing that the dogs’ owners be at least 21 years old and have at least $100,000 in liability insurance under their homeowner…
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin to Consider Breed-Specific Ordinance for “Pit Bulls”
April 11, 2013 update: Chippewa Falls Council stops short of a ban on “pit bulls.” From the Chippewa Herald: Does the city have a vicious dog problem? Thats the question Chippewa Falls City Committee 3 will discuss at an upcoming meeting. We havent set a date yet, but well certainly do something (on) vicious dogs,…
New Llano, Louisiana Bans “Pit Bulls”
From the Leesville Daily Leader: The town council of New Llano voted unanimously (3-0) at its regular meeting Tuesday to ban all pitbull dogs within the corporate limits of the town, effective immediately. The ordinance prohibits Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, American Pitbull Terriers, and dogs that have the “appearance and characteristics of being…
Amendments to Tennessee HB 621 and SB 865 Define “Pit Bulls” as Prima-Facie “Vicious”
March 19, 2013 update: HB 621 and its amendment have been withdrawn by their sponsor Rep. Brenda Gilmore and will not be considered going forward. From WBIR NBC channel 10 in Knoxville: Reporter’s note: The original version of this story below provides links to House Bill 621, but those online documents at the Capitol…
Galesburg, Illinois Not Seeking Breed-Specific Ordinance but Adding to Existing Vicious Dog Law is Looking at the Wrong End of Leash
From the Register-Mail: After a 7-year-old boy [Ryan Maxwell] was fatally attacked by a family friends pit bull, city officials and area legislators have talked about reforming laws on dangerous dogs to prevent further attacks. With a ban on a specific breed of dog out of the question, political leaders might find it difficult to…
Merritt Clifton, Gun Grabbers, and Doggy Killers Exploit the Dead for Their Selfish Ends
You know it’s been hard enough watching the doggy killers and the gun grabbers repeatedly muddling “pit bull” ownership and gun ownership — like Gary Stein of the Sun-Sentinel did just this week when he advocated for breed-specific laws and gun control, as one alderman did in Watertown, Wisconsin when they were considering a “pit…
Is the Sun-Sentinel’s Gary Stein Advocating for Hitlerian Gun Control and Radical Animal Rightism?
March 10, 2013 update: In response to a torrent of responses to Mr. Stein’s ridiculous opinion piece last week (and of course the publicity he and the Sun-Sentinel were looking for on the backs of “pit bulls” and their owners whom Stein had maligned, which serves to generate ad revenue), Mr. Stein unapologetically wrote another…
DNA Testing for Breed Heritage Still Dubious
A couple of weeks ago I was alarmed to see an “article” that had the audacity to say with a straight face that breed-specific laws (BSL) “protect” “pit bulls.” Um, what? Yeah, turned out it was a propaganda piece from a city — Fayette, Missouri — that had recently passed BSL most likely…