HSUS Back-Pedaling on Fighting Dog Stance and the Widely Debunked Dogsbite.org for Some Reason Still Cited as a Media Source
Last Friday I stumbled across what I thought was going to be a promising article in The Seattle Times that began, “Pit bulls are the most abused, reviled, abandoned and euthanized dogs in the United States.” Anyone who has ever rehabilitated abused bulldog breeds knows first-hand the heartbreaking truth of the above statement. But…
Illinois HB 1080: While Victims of Dog Attacks May Want BSL, It’s Not What’s Best for Safety’s Sake
March 18, 2011 update: According to HB 1080’s status page, HB 1080 has been kicked back down to the Rules Committee where its sponsor is most likely hoping for an assignment to a more amenable committee. We hope HB 1080 dies a well-deserved, dishonorable death in the Rules Committee because the bill and its…
OH HB 14: A Few Clarifications for the Toledo Blade
While reading an article in the Toledo Blade about Ohio Representative Sears’ HB 14 which would remove the “dangerous” dog definition for “pit bulls” in the state of Ohio, I noticed that the Toledo Blade quoted former Lucas County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon who said, “Here in Lucas County, [“pit bulls” are] the No. 1…
A Clarification about BSL on Military Bases and that Pesky CDC “Study” Again
Due to recent dog attacks in Piney Green, N.C., Onslow County, N.C. Sheriff Ed Brown is calling for a ban of what he calls “aggressive dog breeds.” Putting aside for the moment that no one dog breed has been scientifically proven to be inherently aggressive (and certainly not that non-existent “breed” “pit bull”), Sheriff…
Parker, Florida Needs an Enforced Leash Law, Not BSL!
After a so-called “pit bull” attack has occurred in a city, citizens and often elected officials alike are quick to knee-jerk and request or even demand a breed ban or some other form of breed-specific legislation (BSL). For instance, after a dog, Annie, was attacked in her backyard by two so-called “pit bulls” (though…
Illinois HB 1080 Would Allow Breed-Specific Legislation in the State of Illinois
March 18, 2011 update: According to HB 1080’s status page, HB 1080 has been kicked back down to the Rules Committee where its sponsor is most likely hoping for an assignment to a more amenable committee. We hope HB 1080 dies a well-deserved, dishonorable death in the Rules Committee because the bill and its…
Family of Dog Mauling Victim Pushes for “Pit Bull” Ban in Texas
Editor’s note: For many reasons it is always cause for concern when dog mauling victims and/or their families push for a breed ban (especially for “pit bulls” since “pit bull” is not a breed). Their anger is understandable of course, but I submit to them that they should instead lobby for dangerous dog…
Aberdeen, South Dakota May Consider “Pit Bull” Ban
March 1, 2011 update: Looks like, according to this article, a breed ban is off the table in Aberdeen. Bravo to Aberdeen for choosing instead to step up enforcement of their leash and animals-at-large laws. Editor’s note: A hint at that age-old urban mythology about “pit bulls” supposedly having locking jaws, etc. is…
Dismissive Saginaw, Michigan Councilman Bill Scharffe Seemingly Thinks Patriots are Selfish
In the last ten years, I have seen so much conspicuously unconstitutional legislation that little surprises me anymore. Yet, when I received a form letter from Saginaw Councilman “Doctor” Bill Scharffe last week, even my jaw dropped. I have only one time prior ever seen such arrogance, such dismissiveness, and such belligerence in…
Oklahoma’s SB 362 Would Allow Breed-Specific Legislation in the State of Oklahoma
February 8, 2011 update: After a second reading, SB 362 was referred to the General Government Committee. Those pushing this bill appear to be trying to ramrod it through quickly before Oklahomans can mobilize against it. Please write the General Government Committee here and oppose this bill. Oklahoma’s SB 362, sponsored by Senator…